The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) employs a comprehensive rating system to evaluate nursing homes, including Tuscany Village Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation. This system, published monthly on the Care Compare website, assigns ratings ranging from 1 star (Much Below Average) to 5 stars (Much Above Average). The ratings are derived from data sourced from claims, nursing home submissions, and state-conducted annual surveys, categorized into Health Inspections, Staffing, and Quality Measures.
Health Inspections involve thorough surveys for compliance with regulations, infection control, and prevention standards. The star rating considers deficiencies and their impact on residents, with corrective actions contributing to higher scores. Staffing measures the availability of nursing staff through Hours Per Resident Day (HPRD), considering turnover rates. Quality Measures assess patient data related to falls, mobility, rehospitalization, and successful return to the community.
The cumulative five-star rating involves three steps, with each step contributing to the final rating published monthly on the Care Compare website. This rating system aids consumers, families, and caregivers in easily comparing nursing homes. Tuscany Village, a CMS 5-star rated facility, consistently excels in health inspections, staffing, and quality measures. This rating underscores our commitment to providing the highest quality personalized care. We invite you to tour Tuscany Village and discover why it should be your first choice for a skilled nursing facility to call home. Visit the Care Compare website to see the CMS five-star ratings for Tuscany Village and experience the excellence we offer in senior care.